Where to find record cleaning platter?

I have seen multiple times online where simple hand turned platters are sold for record cleaning manually,
Now when I am interested in getting one, I can’t seem to find any.

Would appreciate a source for a good quality model.


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Sounds like you may be talking about the Allsop Orbitrac. It’s still around. I have 2 that I never use. I think they’re OK, but you can’t compare them to a good vacuum machine, much less an ultrasonic. Better than nothing I guess.

Thank you for your response and information, it is appreciated.

What I am looking for is just a platter on a spindle/bearing for hand cleaning with separate brushes, cloths or whatever is needed for the particular record. It would sit on a shelf until needed for those few records that need a serious manual cleaning before running thru the various machines.

I have a Keith Monks Gemini vacuum machine(dual platter), KLAudio ultrasonic and a Degritter II ultrasonic and even a Spin-Clean, so I'm good there.

Music Direct has a product called Spin Clean which is similar to the device that I believe you were thinking of.

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