Where to Connect a Phono Preamplifier into a Line Stage

Quick question
When connecting a phono preamplifier into a regular linestage do you go directly to an input like "CD" AUX 1, AUX2, etc.


Showing 2 responses by lewm

We’re not necessarily ahead; we’re just old enough to remember. It’s a mixed blessing.
Ok. I can’t resist entering this discussion for no good reason: many linestages have an OUTPUT (not an input) usually labeled “Tape Out” which completely bypasses the volume control and any gain stage that follows it. So you can directly monitor the chosen input source and adjust your tape recorder or other device you may want to feed accordingly, while still driving your amp/speakers from the signal source via the line stage. I think that might be a source of confusion in the current brouhaha. “Tape out” has been with us forever.