Where do you go after a BlueSound Node 2i?

Whats the next step after the Bluesound Node 2i?  I love the interface with the Bluesound so I don’t want to go backwards on that and I do use the bluetooth option sometimes to stream soundcloud, which sounds really quite good.  My main service is Amazon HD music.

So, what next?  Schiit Gungir Multibit or Cambridge Audio Azur 851N or ...?

Thanks for your help! I know this has probably been discussed before but I couldn’t find the threads!


Best Regards,

Showing 2 responses by azbrd

I use a Node 2 and as suggested multiple times in this thread connect it to an external higher end dac, in my case a Schiit YGGDRASIL.  What ever DAC you chose to go with make sure its upgrade-able.
so here is at little info relating to a DAC with a tube output stage:

Dynamic range is the difference in volume between the quietest and the loudest passage, commonly measured in decibels (dB).

Since 1-bit = 6dB:

  • 16-bit Red Book CDs have a dynamic range of over 96dB.
  • 20-bit digital master tape has a dynamic range of over 120dB.
  • 24-bit modern HD formats have a dynamic range of over 144dB.

DACs with tube output stages: the lowest noise floor on a tube output stage is about 90dB which means despite whatever the manufacturers may claim they can't even resolve a 16-bit recording.