Where Do I Go from Here?

As I neared my 75th birthday, I decided that it was time for my “end game” audio system. Thus, for the past 2-1/2 years, I have slowly and carefully upgraded my sources, my amplification, and my cabling – with very pleasing results. At this time, I have:

Digital – Bricasti M19 SACD transport and M21 DAC; Shunyata Sigma V2 Ethernet and DH Labs Air Matrix Cryo analog interconnect cables.

Analog – Technics SL-1200G turntable w/Ortofon headshell; Hana SL cartridge; Cardas Clear Cygnus phono cable; PS Audio Stellar phono amplifier; Wireworld Eclipse 8 interconnect cables.

Amplification – Theta Digital Casablanca V preamplifier; McIntosh MC611 mono amplifiers (L, C, & R); Wireworld Silver Eclipse 8 speaker cables and Eclipse 8 analog interconnects.

Currently, I own Revel Ultima Studio (L & R) and Voice (center) loudspeakers as well as two SVS SB-16 subwoofers. I purchased all three Revel speakers in 2004, and they have served me well for the past 20 years. Except when listening to multi-channel SACD for watching Blu-ray concerts, I only use my main left and right speakers. My media room has four walls and a door; its size is around 6,000 cubic feet.

What I have been wrestling with is whether, given my other equipment (which I have no intent on replacing), I should buy new speakers and, if so, which should I consider. Recently, for example, I listened to a pair of Rockport’s Avior IIs, albeit using source components and amplifiers different than mine. They seemed perhaps better in some regards, but not so much so as to make a compelling case to purchase them as an upgrade. Another friend, who just acquired his PS Audio FR30 speakers, is urging me to consider buying a pair of the FR30s.

There certainly are numerous speaker lines out there. Consequently, I decided to post my “dilemma” here and invite others to provide their suggestions (ideally with their reasoning). My absolute top budget is $50K. However, this purchase would be funded by my retirement savings, and I certainly would prefer spending less. Also, maybe the better course is to keep my Revels and be happy and content with what I already have.

Many thanks for your reading this entire posting.

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Steaksta — What a compelling recommendation. Thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts here. I shall track down where I can hear the K2s. 



I just read reviews on the K2's-----pretty unanimous praise. The word "addictive" comes up often. That's what it's all about, isn't? I may have to check them out.

It’s not worth blowing your retirement savings! By all means, be happy and content with what you have, for it’s a lot better than most. Simply enjoy it!

Post removed 

Speaking with experience and ownership. You didn’t mention; I’d first run several dedicated 10awg , 20 amp AC lines. Use Furutech or Oyaide AC outlets. I like Oyaide R1 outlets. Then a Shunyata D6000S V.2 with the Typhon T2. power distribution. Then replace as many power cords with Shuyata Sigma or Alpha V.2 either NR or XC depending on the application. Then replace interconnects with Sigma’s V.2’s. Next replace the SVS subs with a Six Pack of REL S/812’s this is a vertical line array of three S/812’s on each side. At this point your system will sound so incredibly better there will be very little you’ll need to change. My advice would be to call Richard Rodgers at Shunyata and let him help you out some more. Tell him Erik sent you.