Where can I buy a Panasonic TU-HDS20?

I am already a DirectTV subscriber and want to upgrade to HDTV. All efforts to find a source for a HDTV receiver (e.g. Panasonic) have failed. They seem to have disappeared from the market (new and used). Some shops offer them over the net but only with a new subscription. What is going on?
Try www.vanns.com or Ebay. I just bought one last week. Haven't installed it yet so I can't comment otherwise.
hello just purchased a 47 inch Panasonic HDTV I am totally unimpressed by its picture not very user friendly in the setup menus either it takes a couple minutes to adjust something which should take 15 seconds. I wouldn't give $100 for a Panasonic receiver the best is a Hughes and second best is Sony.