Where are the young audiophiles?

I find it alarming that 95% of all audiophiles are seniors.According to a consultant at my local HI-FI store,young people don't seem interested in high-end equipment.They listen to music on their phone.Sooner or later, all the great neighborhood HI-FI stores will not be able to remain open. Kind of sad,don't you think?

Showing 2 responses by russ69

"...Relax. The sky is not falling..."

There has never been more buying choices than we now have. 
"...So it’s really only accessable to those upon whom God bestowed both outrageous wealth AND ears more sensitive than an oscilloscope. It’s a bit of a niche demographic, see?..."

The best part of this hobby is putting together affordable systems that sound great. I spent a lot of money learning this but you don't have to.