Where are the young audiophiles?

I find it alarming that 95% of all audiophiles are seniors.According to a consultant at my local HI-FI store,young people don't seem interested in high-end equipment.They listen to music on their phone.Sooner or later, all the great neighborhood HI-FI stores will not be able to remain open. Kind of sad,don't you think?

Showing 2 responses by roxy54

First of all OP, where did you get the 95% statistic? Beyond that, you sound like this issue is all new to you. It's been a fact for quite a while, but I don't believe the market or the suppliers will dry up. The high end will survive somehow.
sufmuz said:
"I think over forty is the age when you appreciate quality things more and better SQ is one of them....you just feel that time is running and you don’t want to miss something good... so youngsters will catch up later....now they have other priorities in their mind."
Being 66 and looking back, I think that there is a lot of truth in what he said. I’ve been a music and audio guy for over 45 years, but I value the experience even more now because I know that time is finite.