where and how to find blank "music" CD's

I recently came into possession of a TEAC LPR 400 turntable that can copy vinyl to CD. The problem is that apparently, I need RIAA (recording industry of America) approved music CD's and not the data CD's that are more common. The music CD's have a flag embedded in them that the manufacturer paid royalties to RIAA for lost revenue. Does anyone know where to get them, and/or how to tell the difference between the two if you are on ebay or similar site? 


Showing 1 response by cleeds

Blank CD discs are generic and there is no distinction between writing audio or data onto them. There are two types of writable blank CD discs, and your Teac is compatible with both:

  • CD-R (CD Recordable) ...
  • CD-RW (CD Rewritable) ...

You are mistaken. The OP has a consumer grade CD recorder that requires discs made specifically for the purpose. The recorder will not write to data-grade CDs, by design. The proper discs will be labelled for music. Notice how Maxell labels its products: