When System Improvements Are Marginal

I’m fortunate enough to have some items that I’m considering purchasing loan this Holiday weekend.  And I have a question that I’m interested in obtaining responses on.

Typically, when I’ve inserted a new component it’s been fairly obvious what the contribution was that that specific component was making to my system.  I’m reminded of a comment made to me by a long-term industry professional that went something like, “When trying out a new component in your system the contribution or difference that component makes should jump right out at you.”

However, OTOH, one of the components that I’m considering purchasing is not jumping right out me.  In fact, there are times when I’m not sure whether it is making a difference.  And, there are times when I think that it is making a difference but the difference is very subtle.  And I like it.  But, admittedly because it is so subtle I wonder if it might just be in my head.  And in this case I’m reminded of the common comment that as our systems improve, any additional improvements become marginal.  Or, the law of diminishing returns.

Anyway, I’m sure there are at least a few members on the forum that have been in a similar situation.  And my question is, “What did you do?”


Showing 1 response by bdp24

I've found that the character of a piece is more readily apparent when it is removed from a system after having been in place for a while, rather than when it is first inserted. By that time you have listened to a lot of music through it, and have become familiar with it's way with music. Sort of like how you don't really know someone for quite a while after first meeting them. But then, my learning curve is somewhat gradual ;-).