When Streaming, is 128kps good or not so good?

As a complete neophyte to the downloadable-digital world, is streaming at 128kps technically any good?

The background: I am a SIRUS suscriber and recently realized I could stream at work using my NuForce iCon and Silverline Minutes.

SIRUS charges $2.99 to stream at 128kps, otherwise it is free. From a cost-benefit analysis, I think it is $2.99 well spend and it sound great for a background, in the office, computer based music system.

Where does 128kps lie in the spectrum? (no flames please)

Thanks, John
I personally think it depends on the source. I'm not sure what bitrate Sirius broadcasts at, but my recent experience with Sirius in rental cars is a joke. I find anything except for talk radio to be almost unlistenable as it is so lifeless.

Conversely, my XM unit at home sounds more consistant with what I would guess is a 128 bitrate. Certainly more dynamic range to be found there.

Also, don't rule out the possibility of a variable bitrate being broadcast, which is even worse (likely to average 96bitrate) and makes cymbals sounds underwater and bass non-existent.

For a true example of 128 bitrate, visit www.livephish.com
Amazing sound for free. Keep in mind their recording pratices are/were at the top of the game.

I have been listening to the 192k Rhapsody channels and albums and the albums sound really good and I have a resolving system. The rhapsody streamed albums are not that far off from the ripped cd copy or cd itself. I'm using a Duet into a Theta Gen VIII.
For the record, 128k is typical of distributed music intended for iPods and such - where fidelity is at a common consumer level. Assuming you are on even on the low end of hi-fi, you will hear significant differences between 96k, 128k, and 192k. 256k to 320k is not as drastic a change, but it still makes a difference.

Going down from 96k renders most music to AM radio fidelity. 56k and below should be used for voice only (i.e. a recorded book) as that is what the lower rates are optimized for.

Music services like Rhapsody typically stream at either 128k or 192k with the latter more predominant. Download purchases from iTunes, Rhapsody, and others usually give you a full 320k file (though some are starting to step up and offer lossless downloads like FLAC).

Since a majority of satellite radio broadcasts are voice only, they can get away with 96k on most stations.
It depends a lot on what type of music you listen to. Modern popular recordings are produced to sound as good as possible in compressed mp3 formats, so 128k will probably be alright for casual listening.

However, if you listen to classical, jazz, or other 'audiophile' type recordings, 128K will sound tinny, thin, and lacking in dynamics. For these types of recordings, discriminating ears cringe at even 320k (typical maximum rate for mp3). For casual listening of jazz, I need at least 192k (and sometimes higher) to get to the point where cymbals don't sound like tin foil being crumpled up.

In the end, you have to try it yourself and understand that streaming is like listening to the radio - it has it's limitations that you have to live with. If you can pay a few bucks to minimize that limitation, that's probably a good thing.

Have fun!
I don't want to be an Audiosnob but the lowest rate I can tolerate is definitely 360. Otherwise the high frequencies get very grainy; especially cymbal decay and ambience. I know it's backgrgound but I'm sure you want to be able to ignore it. :)
I pay the extra $2.99 for 128kbs. It all depends on if you listen to Sirius a lot. I've had Sirius for 4 or 5 years and have become pretty familiar with the channels so it's a nice little library of genres where you can listen to whatever you're in the mood for. So if you a Sirius listener you're gonna hear a big differece between 32 kbs and 128 kbs. I listen a good bit when I'm working. There's a lot of good free radio out there but nothing matches the variety in a nice little package that you can access on Sirius.
128kbs is probably the standard for most streaming services. In fact, it's hard to find much better, although I think Rhapsody may have some streams at 192k. I have a Squeezebox and mostly stream free services, although i do have a Pandora account.
John, in the context of your nice system, 128kps is good enough for background listening and that's about it IMO. To my ears, it doesn't out and out stink, but it lacks all of the delicate nuances that make hi-end sound come alive. I listen to streaming internet radio at that sample rate while working and it doesn't bother me. Personally, I'd never pay much for it, but your perspective may differ.