Proac Tablette - which version is best at imaging? | banerjba | 16566 | 6 | |
My daughter practing snare, bells this aft...... | keithtexas | 2032 | 17 | |
MoFi Ultradeck or Technics 1200GR | robert53 | 16467 | 30 | |
VPI or Pro-ject | danzspkrman | 14261 | 24 | |
LZ Reissues - HD digital or LP? | berzin | 2517 | 10 | |
Kef LS50 Revel Performa 106 Sonus Faber Venere 1. | oddiofyl | 7118 | 2 | |
Nola Boxer, Ascend Sierra 1 nrt, Fritz Rev 5 | downstrung | 7351 | 1 | |
Transport, Touch or Mac Mini to Dac?? | swampwalker | 5620 | 8 | |
Resolving amps | atmasphere | 7714 | 12 | |
Speakers that excel at depth/layering/space | lrsky | 21232 | 41 | |
Perfectwave Dac - computer audio options | edorr | 7903 | 14 | |
Kef 201/2 or Harbeth P3ESR | mmike84 | 3731 | 2 | |
Arcam AVR 600 Is it that good? | toppgunn | 5656 | 4 | |
xlr splitter? | zaikesman | 10424 | 9 | |
Van Quatro, Thiel 2.4, PSB Synch One, Merlin, Salk | murphythecat | 7609 | 12 | |