It is not perfect, but if you learn how to read those graphs, you can learn a lot about how it will interact with your room.
I understand how to read them, but was agreeing with @vinylvalet ’s statement that we should not decide on speakers solely on measurements alone. I absolutely concur that measurements provide an idea of how they’ll perform in your listening room. More importantly, since the measurements are taken in a controlled environment - you’re able to compare different speakers without having to lug them into your listening room.
interesting someone else values Vienna acoustics. i have only recently acquired a pair. i haven’t heard that many current speakers in my system, but it seems perfect
I listened to a pair (forgot which model) many moons ago at a dealer, and they weren’t my cup of tea (purely subjective, of course). A bit too smooth (if that’s even a thing), though I can see their appeal if that’s the sound you’re looking for. I listened primarily with classical music; perhaps with something like rock they would have sang.