Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
Thanks for the welcome @slaw!

One more for tonight:

Corbin/Hanner Band - Son of America
"Fanfare" is such a wonderful record. Highly recommended!

Gonna pull out sides 5+6 of Tom Petty "American Treasure" next...
It's interesting to me that most, if not all of the new posters to this thread that have very few posts, choose to make their initial posts on a music thread. That's great because music is what it's all about! Keep em' coming!
@slaw Fan Fare is great, I bought Rare Birds when it came out, love it!!

Playing - MJ Thriller ( just bought a copy)
Welcome @bur70,
Listening to Tom Petty suddenly makes the world seem right again.
Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile "Lotta Sea Lice"

I initially pre-ordered this lp. Then it took me 4 listens to feel like I could recommend it. Now....I just don’t understand that. Well, forgot that I've made significant sonic improvements to my system that will account for what I'm hearing now. Obviously, it’s not only a great record , but a great sounding record. Going to see her in July!
@reubent ,

Your regimen of purging your records seems logical and one I may adopt at some point. Being single doesn't inspire such an undertaking.
Up next:

My RSD Crosby,Stills,Nash &Young "4-Way Street" expanded and re-mastered. I think @tomic601, has it. Anyone else heard it yet?

Interesting that, this title was THE one lp I tried from Tom Port as a Hot Stamper years ago, thinking it would be hard to find a clean copy. Glad to have a chance now to measure the difference....

From just the initial sounds...this RSD version is vastly superior! No _hit!
After listening to Side one, I'd bet this issue would blow away any copy Tom Port has.
"here's a song that's guaranteed to bring you down....It's called "Don't let it Bring You Down" ...it sort of starts out slow,...then fizzles out, all together"......Neil Young
When I hear the original way this concert happened...Wow!. it just makes this music So much more special. I have sides 5+6 left to go.
Since I have just cleaned this lp, I’ll put it on next, then finish out with sides 5+6 of 4-Way Street.

REO Speedwagon "You Can Tune a Piano But You Can’t Tune a Fish"
Up Next:
Sides 5+6 of "4 Way Street"

yes I just said...sides 5+6 my friends...….
The RSD CSN&Y "4 Way Street" is an awesome set. If you can find it now, get it!

JJ Cale "Live"  Every generation or so, a special artist comes along, then before you know it, this artist is gone. This lp is a compilation of several live performances. It is F+%&ing Awesome!
Fran’s Schubert - String Quartet No. 15 in G Major, Op.161


@slaw +1 on The Steven Wilson and Savoy Brown.  

“Lonesome Dave is dead” - one of the saddest phrases ever written. 
@slaw that REO record had the benefit of industry changing production innovation. High, bright, and doubled.  A guilty pleasure from the first time we heard it even ‘till now.  

To me things kind of went downhill from there for them and definitely so for a lot of the commercially-produced music since.  
@slaw for some reason your enthusiasm for the new release of the CSNY made me think of times when a friend (or nearly anybody at school, girls included) would be praising a record like that and so would just ask “can I tape it off ya?”   We’d borrow it for an evening and then play the cassette through the big 2-way car speakers set into the back dash of our bought-used Dodge or something and be so filled with the joy of the music.  

The RSD CSN&Y "4 Way Street" IS the real deal my friend. It is F/...ing Awesome! Thankfully...It's out there for consumption. 
No need to "tape it off ya".
Awesome indeed!   @slaw  A cultural touchstone for me since high school and point of reference for me and my best college friends.  We used to quote lyrics and lines from it that would put our lives in context or just make us smile.  

Out friend Jimmy had surgery freshman year and when John and I went to visit him in the hospital we sang him an a-cappella dirge version of “find the cost of freedom” at his bedside....

You know now that part near the end of the record when (I think it’s Crosby) says to the rowdy crowd “this is ‘wooden’ music so you gotta be cool/quiet down”.  We would say that to each other when ever there might be even remote call for it...

I also remember many of us, in reaction to this record in particular, agreeing on the point that, although we loved Neil Young, he had no business being in that “group”.  We used to listen to journey through the past fairly constantly.  

I’m such a music dork.  

Anyway, thank you for the endorsement of the new release.   I’ll probably have to get it because I love that rediscovery of (redound feeling from) an old favorite that comes from a good/better pressing on a good/better system.  

Lowell George - “Thanks I’ll Eat It Here” 


i was thinking: Neil Young was “Alt Country” long before that category was invented.  

Wow! You wrote such a nice piece. It's a shame that many will never read it.

Neil Young "Songs for Judy"

I seem to remember a thread.....years ago, when I wrote something very similar.,,,,regarding your "alt-country" writing.

Again, Wow! I usually am thinking about music I'd like to hear during my work-week. This reminded me of (how) I meant to start my "week-end listening".....

Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris "All The Roadrunning"

Thank you my friend!
@slaw I suppose we were not the first and only older guys to react with that idea when Ryan Adams and Uncle Tupelo became cool ...
.... Which reminds me of my other currently running crackpot Neil Young-related idea: that Courtney Barnett is really his secret un-acknowledged love child....

And probably a a good thing if not too many people read this post...
and I would add Son Volt, even tho I love them as I recall n80 may as well...
so, for me and it sounds like many, jamesclarke, slaw, et al associate an album with a time, friends, experience..and they say memory is just chemical emotion.....

I have cleaned but NOT yet listened to the RSD 4-Way Street....I guess I am saving it for just the right evening and some Rye @darmento thank you !!!! Like James, there is a story..

i was forever changed by attending an elite E coast prep school for a bit on an athletic scholarship ( my parents were not wealthy). Think Dead Poets society with girls...

anyway, in the hour or so between end of study hours and lights out, we would roam the halls in search of new music or music to trade. EVERYONE had a cassette deck, piracy was rampant....some kids had a 100+ bootleg dead shows....There were of course LP’s you would find in most every room. 4-Way was one of those along with Decade, Europe 72, Waiting for Columbus, One More from the Road, Eat a Peach, you get the drift.....
I guess I heard so much 4 Way, I tuned it out...Maybe 2 much “wood” and not enough Cortez the Killer....anyway, took me many years to acquire a taste for a physical copy of 4-Way and then on CD...so I was super pumped to score that on RSD 2019...

coming soon.....ya man
but...I was spoiled....before I left for school, they let me spend my summer job earnings on a stereo..
Denon Table w Denon arm a $100 Grado, Onkyo A-5 integrated that stayed in class A to 5 wpc ( perfect for a dorm room, can ya dig ) and Infinity Qb with the magic EMIT tweeter.....milkcrate stands, zip cord...

and because it is music related....on way back from bathroom at something like 1 am, walked past faculty apartment door, which was open a crack....could hear Neil Young singing “ Hey Hey, My My”..
knocked on door, Dude answers....has his Phd from Oxford....I ask is that the new Neil ? He says yes. Invites me in. Pours me a neat Rye. We listen in silence. ( Kenwood w EPi ) and I depart about 2 am with just a nod and a word of thanks....

Right on @tomic601

maybe I wasn’t clear though. I absolutely love uncle Tupelo. Their first record is one of my all time favorites. (and Jay’s Son Volt stuff is just very very good). I just laugh though when people think what has been labeled alt country started in the 90s... 

which reminds me of something: the uncle Tupelo fork:  A question that really bugs me.  Why does anyone even like Wilco?  That guy was basically Jay’s sidekick/backup singer.  Jay is really quite a humble genius but Wilco seems like nothing but self promoted derivative unlistenable to me.  I don’t get it.  

You have a great memory...in addition, a great ability to put that memory into words that serve your needs.
Ha! I still have my infinity kappas in the basement @tomic. Had to re-foam the woofers and replace the mids. The silicone cones discolored and then finally turned to cornflakes. They still take me back though. Love to blast Rush and UFO on them.

Great memories of school life stereo stories. We are blessed to have so much good music in our lives - both live and right at our fingertips.

I had a thought after reading the posts by @jamesclarke & @tomic601 ,

If the (3) of us were on a boat (fishing), and normal conversation ensued, I believe that you both would find a reason to throw me overboard since I love Son Volt but still have feelings for Wilco.
Never throw anybody with a fishing license overboard until landing fish at dock !!!!
i have some Wilco also
on that bit of thread... I like a lot of Blue Rodeo 2
Tremelo is a fantastic disc

Funny @slaw. No violent reaction to fans of Wilco (I mean, it’s not like it’s pop country Nashville or anything...) I’d probably envy your open mindedness. Just don’t get Wilco’s popularity, especially against Jay’s music. Son Volt music is inarguably authentic American experience. Wilco to me is more like a lukewarm copy of a British act copying an American act... Of course I also don’t really understand the popularity of of a lot of music.


Neil Young - “Hitchhiker”

 @slaw Thank you

i asked “ why me ? “ after a fairly spectacular promotion....

the answer came back

Good storytellers Get people to follow and your extremely stubborn nature might get them there...

Eleanor McEvoy - Forgotten Dreams

Chasing the Dragon direct disc
sounds in many many places just like microphone feeds. A full review available via link to label website.

lovely with the quirks and pressure to get it right in a whole side...
@slaw mentioned the new JJ Cale releases.....yowsa...4 songs into the Post Humus- Stay Around.....great stuff, essential IMO

my great hope and belief that he will eventually get the nod from history for his great and many contributions 

and the list of players reads like a who’s who......and 

 @bdp24 maybe they can play Stay Around ( the track ) before my funeral, while I am still kicking......
Not sure what a self-made argument is. I suppose if the Wilco guy had never been in Uncle Tupelo I’d ignore him as I ignore, say, Katie Perry, Billy Joel, or Kenny G...

But of course there is no point in perpetuating arguments, established, new, or however made.  No point at all. 

A burning question but altogether unworthy. Apologize. Won’t come up again.