Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO

Showing 27 responses by pkatsuleas

Iron Maiden / Number of the Beast

What can I say, it's been a metal Friday!

ELP / works Vol 1

Interesting album, not very proggy so far.  I can say pretty confidently that Greg Lake knew what good sound was.

Genesis / In the Beginning

1977 London re-release of their first album.  First time hearing the whole thing, pretty cool.  Looks like it was never played, almost flawless.  Looks better than some of the new vinyl I've purchased!   Sounds great.  Fun stuff!


Be careful on that roof man!!!  I've heard a few stories that did not have happy endings!  I am looking at hiring someone this time.


Thanks for the info.  I have heard Caravan before, I will investigate again.  The first Hatfield has been on regular rotation lately.  Great album, could use just a little more guitar IMO, but still great.  I have been buying up any prog I find over the past 6 mos.  Unfortunately, some are very hard to find!


Nope, just Mirage right now.  Would buy more if I could find them.  Might try discogs.  I've been on a big prog kick lately.  It makes sense to me to enjoy it on vinyl for that back in the day feel.

slaw, just picked up nice quality Mirage - great album.  Treble somewhat tipped up but still a good listen.  On the hunt for other Camel on vinyl but not easy to find.  Which do you have?  

Camel / Mirage

Steven Wilson remaster of Tull / This Was.  I have to say I'm very happy with all of the Wilson remasters I've purchased.


Steve Hackett - Voyage of the Acolyte

Finally found an excellent copy and it sounds great.  Just love this album.

Tony MacAlpine - Maximum Security

One of my fav guitarists, taking me back to my shredding days!  The album is absolutely mint, not a scratch or blemish on it.  Found it in a tiny antique shop.  Unfortunately, it sounds like dog meat!  Muffled with no dynamics, no instrument separation - just a mess.  Going back and forth with the CD and it's no contest.  CD much better. 

This vinyl thing is quite frustrating at times!  But fun anyway.  

It's a Nektar night - Recycled, A Tab in the Ocean, Remember the Future.

All very good condition, but they all have an annoying sound signature.  Somewhat muted and not very dynamic, rolled off top end.  All different engineers.  Maybe Roye Albrighton had sensitive ears and did not like treble!

Yellowjackets - Yellowjackets from 1981

Robben Ford featured on guitar, very nice!


Michal Urbaniak - Fusion


New Pro-ject VC-E RCM working very well!  Cleaned 6 albums between last night and tonight and can tell an immediate difference.  Very happy with the purchase so far!

Fleet Foxes - first 'Helplessness Blues' then 'Crack-up'.  Both sound great, enchanting really.  A couple of the newer albums I have that sound very good!  Unlike most other new vinyl, unfortunately.

The Jayhawks  - Rainy Day Music

Love the songs but the quality is just ok.  I usually really like Ethan Johns productions. 

I really need to invest in an US cleaner I think.  

Atlantic records 25th anniversary 'The Jazz years' 2 LP set

Nice jazz sampler!  Pretty good overall quality
sbank, thanks for the info.  Listening to Circles on Amazon right now.  Nice! 

I do have Ghost is Born and agree it is well recorded.  Somewhat dark with good bass heft but very nice IMO.  
Wilco - (the album)

Frustratingly bad sounding right out of the sleeve.  Brand new perfect condition vinyl that sounds thin, harsh, and sibilant.  Definitely worse than the CD.  No life or "musicality",  Maybe a good scrubbing will help?  WTF!  And Wilco generally has excellent recordings IMO.  
Tull - War Child
Ray LaMontagne - Til the Sun Turns Black - disappointing!  The CD sounds better
Billy Cobham - Total Eclipse - Nice!
RTF - Romantic Warrior
Bruford - Feels Good to Me
Japanese pressing, sounds very nice.  Although Holdsworth seems somewhat muted compared to a digital copy.
Chris Squire  /  Fish Out of Water
First time hearing, like it lots!

Corea  /  Mad Hatter
Chick Corea - The Leprechaun
Love it

Gentle Giant - Missing Piece
Interesting, one of their more 'poppy'? 'mainstream'? albums. 
Chick Corea - Akoustic Band from '89

Just picked up today.  Says digital master on the album cover but this thing sounds great.  Had to use the Milty and carbon fibre brush several times but not too crackly.   
Minty Nektar 'Remember the Future' I just picked up.  A little light on the highs/cymbals but still sounds great
Brand X - Moroccan roll
Introducing the 11th House with Larry Coryell

A couple of recent finds in great shape, sound nice.  

Now David Grisman Quintet (not vinyl unfortunately)
OK so part TT.  First Wilson remix Aqualung.  Interesting that most of the album sounds great, but occasional sibilance and one song (forget which) outright harsh sounding.  The recording or my TT?

Now Chick Corea Elektrik Band Paint the World.  Maybe my favorite somewhat newer jazz fusion.  Ridiculous

Next maybe some Priest Sin After Sin.  Not sure yet.
