Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO

Showing 50 responses by tomic601

@jrwaudio her life reminds me of the famous BB King line: Ain’t nobody loves me but my mama…and she could be jiving too “… man that is tough…

i will try to stream her….

the 13 Rivers LP to Steve was a bit of an experiment….i was disappointed in pressing quality but figured IF anyone could rescue it with US and Steam cleaning, it would be @slaw ! 

i am an underpaid record grading robot…

Richard is playing solo acoustic in March at the Belly Up, Solana Beach…not a terrible seat in the 300 person venue… We caught him there…. circa 2019 late ?

i think it safe to say, each of us would LOVE a Hyperion….i am waiting for the killer  % off deal you scored Steve !

I am a discount coupon clipping robot

Safe Travels Joel - wishing i was up North to host your visit ;-)

i am a Robot fond of surfer chicks 


she left me to my own devices today, out rock climbing and zip lining with the apparently fearless Nephews.


I am a servant of love robot, Patty programmed me

streaming Fairground Attraction


i am a pleasure seeking vinyl spinning robot reduced to Lemming like streaming

I hope so 2, i can backstop ya…Brian when i get done figuring out the difference the 45 rpm makes….

i have Christmas card duty tonight, so streaming ; Glory Fountain - The Beauty of 23 ( highly recommended ) The cover of Townes Flyin Shoes is heartbreaking…and great…

@j_husker ya man…my first high end cartridge was a Grado. Somewhere i have a Platinum in need of a rebuild….. midrange to die for in those wood bodies… glad the Mc integrated is all you hoped..

the immediacy is startling..

Shoji Yokouchi Trio plus Yuri Tashiro - Greensleves  ( Impex - Three Blind Mice )

i am an analog robot with no user replaceable parts

As Steve here likes to say “ my music friend “, Steve from Orange county stopped by to listen today and borrowed the RM-9 while his PSE monoblocks are undergoing surgery. Great listening session - all vinyl, I think Steve has about 5 k records :-) We Played:

Coleman Hawkins, Steve Winwood, Doors 45 rpm, Greensleeves ( Impex ), etc…

Always nice to visit and listen. 

I am an appetizer plate scrounging Robot

Julianne might be my new senseless crush….

Worth traveling to some shaky bar lakeside to catch her live…toes are tapping..

I am a Talking Heads Robot…running the Stop Making Sense…code

Julianne Ankley - With Love from Lake Huron ( Blue vinyl w cover signed by the artist )

Surprise mystery  gift in the post, who to thank ?…..

Thank You !,,,

I am a robot fueled by gratitude

@big_greg I try to give all the mono disc away…..another tonearm, while an attractive rabbit hole…….

I am a rabbit hole digging spamBot

You are welcome Brian ! Enjoy….i always do some Classical bin diving for you…

I am an anomalous human posing as a spam robot

untouched groove holds good info, hence the better tip can sometimes be a virtue Brian

Safe trip Joel - Wishing you all the best in the journey….

Yes - Fragile ( because i believe in symbolism ) and it’s a great disc…

one reason why i lean on both you guys and a couple of die hard vinyl experts that run audio companies and stores…for inputs and advice…last time we were shooting the @#$&$#@, they had 30 k records between three of them…

Baker Street then signing out

best to all on the sane subset of audiogon

Amy Helm - This Too Shall Light

Ben Webster Quintet - Soulville

Buddy and Julie Miller - Written in Chalk


Tim - a blast from my past, brother w SOTA and most of my old discs sent it my way…

Jessica Williams - Portraits

Steve - Cayamo is wonderful, i believe i got that on your recommendation…. thx

Happy Sunday to all the Vinylistas!

warming up w The Allman Brothers - Fillmore East ( MoFi )

today @nicks25 is stopping by to help me get the 104# sub installed….. a grunt job for sure….. breakin shall ensue….

rather than clutter up the fine music thread here, you can see my sub3 photos, setup, initial listening thoughts on the Vandersteen website forum….. more to come…fun

Dire Straits- Making Movies ( MoFi ) inspired by @tgilb , thanks !

Joel - It will all be worth the wait ;-)


@slaw interested in you thoughts on Cadence, Fremer had a bit to say, but give it a spin first…


James - cool, we’ll except for taxes… doing mine this weekend… it’s gonna be a negative car like most years… oh well.

remember the high pass of the main amp and speakers is part, big part of magic… imo anyway…

my LPS project is a Teddy Pardo on a Netgear switch…. fun

@slaw and @bslon ..wow, I am streaming The Delines….wow, where have I been ? love the pocket and understated horns…tasty..

In arrears: Jessica Williams - Portraits ( improv )

check if it is the GAIN 2 mastering system on the new MoFo ( no vino needed ), i have a 1 step here somewhere…. still in shrink ( long story )…..

OK ….turning on the TT now that i have > 100 hours on those difficult to breakin Teflon caps in the high pass filters….

Warming up with; Jimi Hendrix Experience: Paris 67 ( RSD Black Friday )


…..what short term memory ?

Had a great gathering of What’s On Your TT thread compatriots yesterday at Casa Pacifica. @mammothguy54 aka Joel caught and made Bluefin sushi and sa@nicks25 aka Nick was kind to bring a fantastic desert ;-) No Cherry pie gummed up the spinning vinyl!

Great times, wide variety of music including some recent mono purchases by Joel.


New arrivals today after stereo/record shop visit today w Nick at Blind Dog Records in H Beach. I scored a Townshend / Lane - Rough Mix reissue that sounds fantastic,,,, and a rare Susan Tedeschi - Back to the River

@sourpuss123 Ah, what to do with a bone stock bit of historic kit…..

I went down same path w my family heirloom MX-110Z and MC240….

Disuse will lead to failure and so may use as you know. Real Marantz parts are considerably more rare than Mac bits, so finding bits to retain stock could be neigh impossible… so if you do modify w new rca, etc I advise keeping the old parts ! I did ultimately decide to have both of mine modified. The MX went back to Vestal to Audio Classics where retired Mac engineer Richard Modeferi went thru it, including a factory defect. While in the unit he incorporated his “ RIMO “ filter circuit in the tuner.

the 240 went on a similar path w a master Mac tech keeping it stock but fixing a few caps and importantly worn out input RCA, pots. I fell in with a Jim Mchane mac modification dude Mike Samra of Saginaw and he went thru the amp extensively w Russian PIO, Shuko, etc…. It is a fantastic sounding amp now….. The RM-9 slightly more accurate but the 240 is closer to my heart. i remember the day it came in the door in 1965 :-)

I think Mike or Mcshane would be good people to consult with in addition to Kevin.

Best to you on your journey

Steve thanks for the concern. i have been busy with other things…you know ..life stuff…that pull away from music….and that will continue somewhat thru Summer…as I head North for my season of fishing…. I will check in as I’ve a hot date with my reference music system :-)

Glad to hear you are enjoying the Quicksilvers, very musical gear, well engineered, superb value IMO..


Ya ! Wildflowers is great, spinning my single disc now :-) good suggestion Brian.

binge Petty time w stuff i ripped into server over the years…. what a shame he is gone….

Knopfler - Kill to Get Crimson, compliments of a wonderful music lunch w Agon / Vandy owners forum Steve Edwards :-)

Steve you are ripping it up with marathon spinning - the @Slaw of old days !

Welcome back Spencer ;-)

I flunked out of math rock when the exam was based on The Police..” Murder by numbers, one two, three… “

Steve…i might have 2x interesting 6922 for you…. Cryo “ Russian Rockets “…. stay tuned brother !

I am streaming Patty Griffin - Tape… lovely NPR interview w her on Weekend Edition…. ;-) I dig her….

Joel…imo bespoke is worth the slight wait ( slight as viewed in terms of the  countless hours of musical joy coming your way )…. thanks for updating and i have sold  / bought a bit w TMR…always a ++++ experience…

