Whats in your second system?

Just curious as to the people who like myself have many thousands "invested" in their main system with all the latest tweaks, cables etc and also have a second or even third system.

Did you assemble that with the same love and care and dedication and costly tweaks?

Or did you throw something together from bargain bins or indeed your old leftovers and then sat back and thought...Wow this sounds really good!

And if so did that get you thinking on the main system...lol.

My second system cost way less than the speaker cables on my main system but I am constantly shocked at just how nice it sounds for such a no frills setup.

Linn Classic all in one
Tannoy 2 ellipse small floorstanders
20 year old (at least) Jensen 50w 8 inch sub.
Monster Cable 12/2 speaker cable bare wire ends.
Home brewed power cord just cos I had it laying around.

The Linn just sits on top of a chest of drawers with the Tannoys flanking the chest either side and the lil sub sitting behind the chest.

And it sounds darn good tbh!

Showing 3 responses by mesch

@uberwaltz I somehow missed your question regarding my 'rolling out' of my outdoor system. Yes I have the electronics on a stand with large wheels. Roll out the electronics. Place speakers on stands left in place. 

Talk about a slow response. Sorry
Yea, it is about a 10 minute process to set up. However it serves an entire afternoon/evening session. 

I once had a Vincent SV-226 integrated. Wish I never sold it. I would be using it in my 2ndary system now. The Pathos serves well however. It does draw more attention. 
My secondary system is rolled out onto my back deck for spring/summer/fall listening. I live in the country so do not disrupt neighbors. It has been evolving over the last few years.
 Currently consists of:

Apple MacBook Pro with PureMusic, AIFF file playback
Micromega MyDAC
Pathos Model One MKII integrated
B&W CM5 speakers
Audioquest King Cobra ICs, Rockett 33 SCs, VDM3 DC

I have also can rotate in a NAD 356BEE or Yamaha S701 integrated amplifier.