Whats a good phono preamp for an Ortofon Synergy G MC cartridge

My budget is under 1500. Suggestions welcome.
My turntable is a Merill Scillia MS2
Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiofool1982
My suggestion is save up. The Herron is twice your budget but so good you will probably never want to upgrade which makes it totally worth it. Otherwise if you have to have something now you could look around for an old used ARC PH3SE or something like that for around a grand.
I love Ortofon SPU cartrudges but I can only advise you what works best for me.  I use an MM phono stage (currently the Pear Audio Classic Phono, a souped up Croft) and an SUT (Step-Up Transformer).

I find the MM phono stage + SUT sounds better to me than a high-gain phonos stage or head amp.  Others will disagree.  If you go SUT, make sure that you use one that matches your cartridge.  I'm currently using the Ortofon ST-80 SE and it's very good.  But there are several others that are also great.

Finally, I doubt that you will find a new phono stage or MM phono + SUT for under $1,500 that will do justice with the Synergy G cartridge; at least IMO.