What would you Buy? Adding to ELAC Navis & DSpeaker

Mostly listen to CD’s but want to start streaming so that I listen to more new music (Internet radio & Tidal-like services). Upgraded from old Vandersteen & Onix SP3 Tube Integrated but still not listening to new material.

Now have New Elac Navis Monitor Powered Speakers with balanced XLR’s to Dspeaker Anti-Mode 2.0 (Room Correction/Pre/Dac/). CD player is an older JVC modified by Stan Warren 8+ years ago. Untreated Room is 14x20 & carpeted. Have older 13” Macbook Pro & Ipads around too.

Thinking of adding New or Demo/Used Standalone Dac/Pre & Streamer perhaps with CD ripping?

So with above equipment, what would be specifically on your shopping list at these total budgets: 

  • (1) Up to $1,250
  • (2) Up to $2,250 
  • (3) Up to $3,500

(1) thoughts: Topping D90 Dac & Streamer/ Cambridge CXN(V2) or NAD C-658 all-in-one without amp 

(2) Ideas: Topping D90 & Innuos Zen Mini with LPS)

(3) Ideas: used Wyred for Sound, Mytek BB, Exogal Comet+ or Elac Audio Alchemy DAC/Digital Pre.

Would be great if new additions allowed for future upgrades or home audition. Wonder what ELAC Navis users are happy with?

Looking to ENJOY MUSIC by expanding my Listening Horizons to discover new favorite Artists.

Thanks for helping me with your ideas! 

John, Amelia Island, FL

What direction did you decide to take? I chose door number 2, Topping 90 and Zen mini. Now I have to figure out how to make it all work. I am a fish out of water. All the YouTube videos are by 20 something's who are as familiar with digital as I am with, with, darn just forgot. 
Thanks Veroguy!

Good Advice.

Separates make sense if wanting to change out later or better .... components or all-in-one if they have a manufacturers upgrade path.  
I'd recommend first getting a Bluesound Node2i and use it as a dac/streamer.  Figure out if you like the app, it's streaming services, etc.  It's kind of the standard streamer for under $1000.  Many people are using the 2i with high-end dacs and are very satisfied.

I would then look adding an external dac to use with the Node2i that has balanced outputs:  Topping D90, RME ADI2 (has digital EQ), MHDT Pagoda, etc.  Find the dac that suites your tastes and matches best with your speakers.  It might take a while - there are so many choices.

For all in one devices (less than $3500) with balanced out, that consistently get positive reviews are:  TEAC NT-505, Lumin D2, Araulic Aries G1.

You've started a fun journey.  Good luck!
Any experiences out there between Node products and Innuos Zen Mini?

or Chord Qutest vs. Topping D90 or Mytech Brooklyn Series?

On spec, the NAD C-658 has Dac/Pre & Dirac Room Correction with modular upgrade path but not seeing much love? Thanks!
At lower end of the budget, I would look to repurpose the Mac as a streamer, and sink the rest of it into a decent DAC.  Add a software program such as Audirvana Plus and get either the Chord QTest or the Mytek Liberty.  At the middle price there are some good streamer DAC combos, see what Aurender or Auralic has in thos ranges.  At $3500 a Mytek Brooklyn and a Node 2i or a Vault2i with a decent cable.
(1) Up to $1250 - Bluesound Node 2i and call it a day
(2) Up to $2250 - Bluesound Node 2i + Chord Qutest + Digital Cable
(3) Up to $3500 - Roon Nucleus + Chord Qutest + Curious USB Cable