What will it take to have live music for everyone?

Given that the best of equipment in the best of rooms can produce live sounding music under certain circumstances. Not live musicians in real amphitheaters, but reproduce the sound, feeling, air of the experience.

That leaves a rare few with that experience sometimes.

What will it take in audio for everyone to have that at a price that they can afford and are willing to pay?

Showing 1 response by musicfirst

""I just can't get my arms around the idea that everyone doesn't want the real thing, if they could get it.

Maybe, the truth is that most don't believe they can have it and therefore have a reason why it's not important to them."

Lakefrontroad (System | Threads | Answers)

I believe if one could get recorded music to sound live in one's home, and if the system to do it was within reach budgetarily, then one would do it."

Gentle People

I'm afraid that contrary to what has been posted here, many audiophiles definitely DO NOT want a system to sound like live music. Many people are addicted to euphonically comfortable and pleasing audio. Live music, often is not comfortable and as one who listens to live music (amplified and unamplified)often, I have found that people who hear systems that approach the live event often find it too edgy/intense, often (incorrectly IMHO) describing such systems as bright etched etc.