What will a preamp do for me?

Missing in the chain below is a preamp - I use the DAC to control volume.  This is my only source and will be for some time.  What could I gain by adding a preamp?

I have Thiel CS 2.3s driven by a BAT VK-55, sourced by PS Audio PW DAC, with bridge II, mostly tidal.  The DAC serves as a preamp in terms of volume control.  Mostly Audioquest cables, amp power cord is Cardas Clear m, all fed by PS Audio upc-200.

I am am hoping to improve the highs, which sometimes sound smeared, too much sibilance; would like more air and clarity.  Loud rock sounds flatter, less dynamic than I’d like.  I am not willing to give up the deep detailed and beautifully resonant mids.  Willing to spend up to $3000, used is ok.  Totally balanced is a must.  Not currently willing to entertain the idea of different speakers - my goal is to make the 2.3s sound as good as reasonably possible before moving on to other speakers.  It’s easy to find a really good preamp in this price range, so much so I am almost paralyzed by the choices.  Aesthetix , Ayre, ARC, several BAT, Parasound and more all have apparently excellent models in my price range.  Patience would put Atma-sphere and PS Audio within reach.  Which is best for my situation?  There’s no way to audition all of these, how could I avoid getting on a preamp merry-go-round?  Or should I spend my money elsewhere?
Excellent campaign promises OP! And I particularly enjoyed the reference to ABC. Definitely dance-worthy...
The way the volume is dealt with in the PSA PW Dac is pretty good. Upsampling, applying volume, then downsampling to somewhere around 2x DSD (if I remember right). Basically, beyond what you can hear.

It really takes a very special preamp to improve upon it.

I've tried some of the lesser Audio Research and it wasn't until I borrowed a Ref5SE I heard any improvement and it's still fairly small step forward.

While this thread seems to have run its course, I’ll nonetheless ask for some guidance. I totally get the active vs passive discussion, having had placette and reference line one way back in the day and several actives since.
i now have the lumin x1 and it’s Much better w an active pre.  
I’m interested in the Townshend Allegri ref, but gotta wonder how that could improve on going direct using the dac’s volume control.  
But I’ll guess that the external pre might improve because it has a better analog volume control than the digital, and better opportunity for impedance matching  - however I’m likely wrong on the impedance bit when it comes to passives.  Thx for any insights to the quandary