What tube pre with Quicksilver V4 monos

I have Quicksilver V4 mono amps using el34 tubes. What tube pre would mate well with them? I am currently using Verity Otello speakers


I am currently using an Audionet G2. I would like to try tubes with my speakers. I am looking for light delicate mids and highs without giving up bass.

I owned a quicksilver pre 15 years ago. No depth, no separation. I bought a BAT vk-3 and it was heads above.

I'd suggest a Quicksilver preamp, I heard the combination years ago at Audio Connection and it was terrific.  You might check with John Ruttan at Audio Connection, he knows Quicksilver products very well.

What pre are you using now, what specific improvements are you looking for, what’s your budget and are you looking for new or used?  Nice speakers BTW!