What to do with my dad's old Revel Performa F50's?

Hi friends, so I recently picked up my dad’s old Revel Perfforma F50’s that were taken from his home theater setup (along with a C30).

I’ve had a few interested parties come by to take a look and think about buying them, but ultimately they decided to pass as some of the rubber has cracks in them. Now I’m wondering what the best course of action would be. Trying to balance not throwing them away vs spending too much to ship them off to get repaired/restored for sale. I’m moving soon so probably want to try to get rid of as much as possible before the big move and just wondering what you all would do in this scenario?

Here’s a link to the selling post so you can check out all the pictures. What should I do here?


Thanks for the feedback.

- Chase


Showing 2 responses by erik_squires


The drivers are just screwed in, though there might be some glue or crusty old foam gasket involved, a hair dryer may help. The leads are probably clipped onto the driver, just remember which color wire goes where.

Avoid touching anything from the surround inwards. When the driver comes out rest it with the magnet down, facing upwards and avoid keeping anything metal within a foot of it just to be safe, especially tools, rulers, screws.

There are repair people who will repair the surrounds for you once you have the drivers out.

You could look on ebay for replacement drivers or units that are for parts only to scavenge new drivers. The drivers should be really easy to replace.

Also, pro tip: Those speakers are filthy. Use a soft hair paint brush to clean them up before photographing again.

Alternatively, take the drivers out and sell the one's that are in good shape individually for others to use to repair.