What temperature is your cartridge?????

When I worked at Adcom on the Crosscoil high output moving coil we discovered that we had to measure frequency response and tracking at a particular temperature. If it was warmer the cartridge ( ALL CARTRIDGES) tracked better and were brighter and on a cold New Jersey morning they sounded dull and wouldn't track for beans. Install a lamp next to your turntable and small themometer. Never go below 72 degree F. You can literall fine tune a cartridge by heating it up or cooling it down. It has to do with the compliance of the rubber used in mounting the armature.

Showing 2 responses by albertporter

I was passed along this same information by Mr. Breuer of Switzerland, when I was bringing his product into the USA, around 1980. He claimed that his cartridge (a heavily modified EMT ) would not produce accurate bandwidth, unless there was a lamp nearby. Since he lives in Ebbicon, and I in Texas, I had to experiment with the effect of his suggestion. I agree with you about the 72 degrees, or perhaps for my taste, even a bit warmer. I'm sure the specific cartridge design and materials used plays a major role in the outcome.

My current set up employs a ceiling mounted halogen spot, focused on the arm and cartridge. This works well for my current cartridge, the Koetsu Rosewood Platinum Signature. The spot is turned on about two hours before the music session, and after about 30 minutes of groove time, the sound is perfectly balanced and tracking every selection with ease. This bright halogen light is a benefit in setting the stylus in the correct track, as well as checking both the LP and stylus for debris. This is a great topic, thanks Hifiveteran.
Ohlala, Right! It is dual purpose, thank goodness the sonics did not require the fitting of a fluorescent bulb, as the light from them is not near as pretty. ( Not to mention the noise they radiate ).