What system can adequately reproduce the sounds of a tanker being hit by torpedo ?

Not sure. For home listening I would go with Studer A820 deck, Gryphon Mephisto monoblocks and Gryphon Kodo speakers. But there might me other options. Still, an almost impossible task, I guess.

Showing 1 response by glennewdick

Well I have actually heard a torpedo hit a US Navy Tanker during RIMPAC 2012 sink EX. I actually loaded the said torpedo, I was on board HMCA Victoria a Canadian Submarine we shot a US Navy Mk 48 torpedo. Anyway there’s no speaker in the wold that can even come close its not what you may think don’t think movies and big booms, think fire cracker but a whole lot more. closes I can come to describe the sound is like an old wooden yard stick slapped on a table with a crack but really loud, maybe the lightning would be close too, oh a whip too (we were approx. 2200 yards from target when the torp hit close enough to feel the shock wave shortly after the crack). As a serving 21 years submariner I don’t find it offensive at all we all need some humor in our lives :-).