What Step-up transformers are best value?

I have recently bought a VDH Black Beauty cartridge. It needs top-flight SUTs. I'm currently using Silks, which are very good. I have also tried the S&B TX103s (lent by a good friend), and they are noticeably better. Their price, however, is prohibitive (£1400). Anyone know of any serious bargains out there, which are up there with the Tx103s?

I have tried resistor loading on the secondary side of the Silk transformers. The best write up on this is in the Bent Audio Forum. Have not tried loading on the primary. I find that loading on the secondary can help. But my preference is the Cinemag over the Silk even with loading. Of course YMMV.
Once again, many thanks for your replies.

I am interested in experimenting with loading. What value resistors should I try? I have no experience of this, and could do with some guidance. Where exactly do i put them?
I just received my June Stereophile today and see that Art Dudley comments on the Bob's Devices SUT and says that it is very close to one costing 10X as much. He says"For the LP enthusiast who has yet to experience the superiority of a MC pickup combined with a transformer step-up device, I can think of no better place to begin."
I've been using a VDH MC 10 for many years, I know its not in the same league as the BB but as its from the same family i will toss my $.02 to the wind. I've tried a few great Head amps (Pioneer HZ 1 was the best still regret selling it) as well as recently the Silk SUTs and older Otofon SUT and highly regarded Denon SUT and to be honest the VDH carts just sounds better with a Head Amp. even my VDH manual says they don't recommend a SUT. with the cost of the BB I would invest in a quality head amp/MC phono stage I think you will be happier in the long run.