What speakers with Audio Research VT-100

Looking for some floorstanders $1000 to $2000 got any Ideas?
Best sound I got was with vandersteen 5's. Closely followed (more detail & imaging, less bass) by the audio physic avanti-century. The virgo was excellent as well.

Many people like proacs with audio research. I notice that ARC uses wilsons in their listening room.
I've been very pleased with my Magnepan 1.6's driven by an Audio Research VT 100.
VAndersteen 2CE sigs. The only other speakers I've heard with the VT200s are Wilson Sophias ans Von Schweikert VR7s. Oh you said $2k. heehee.
Start with the Thiel 1.6's. The Totem Hawk would probably be a good match also. Stick with first-order crossovers.