What speakers have you mistakenly let go and then later repurchased?

Or maybe wished you wouldn't have sold? 


Showing 2 responses by asvjerry

OP, only one girlfriend fits that description from the wayback, but that relationship got rudely interrupted by a rapist.

He got caught and sent away, but she went away sooner, sadly.

But, plus side, met sig other who's kept my company for 40 years and running.

Neg side for y'all puts me here and now....sorry. *L*

Bought new and sold in ’90 a pair of ESS AMT 1Cs’, but never could forget that large amt driver and how damn fast it was...

Kicked self too many times, finally eBay’d a pair with original xovers and pair of meh 12" drivers of unknow origin. (Later reconed for practice...)

Of course I replaced the ribbons, nothing else to break with them except your foot if you're clumsy... ;)

Got gifted with a new pair last year, along with an ESS Eclipse 2241 am xover .

Still looking into a woofer that can keep up with them....*G*