what speakers do the best "disappearing act"??

what speakers do the best "disappearing act"??
I want speakers that totally envelop you in sound....so much so that it is non-directional, and sound seems to be coming from everywhere in the soundstage...

when I listen to music even with my eyes closed I can tell exactly where my 2 speakers are located and most of the sound eminates directly from them these 2 speakers..so maybe it's time to upgrade..my system is a pair of NHT 3.3, wadia 850 cdp, and odyssey monoblock amps.

Showing 1 response by fiddler

Newform 645's !!!!!

I owned Rogers LS3/5a's for years with Rogers sub. These speakers are legendary for imaging. When I purchased the 645's I hoped they would be close to the Rogers in imaging.

Wrong. The 645's are in a league to themselves. Never have I heard a speaker that continues to image well regardless of where you are in the room. Directly in front of the speaker, the 645's still put the sound between the speakers. In other words, the sweet spot is huge and the soundstage is wall-to-wall and very deep.

I have been amazed at these speakers. Best audio purchase I have ever made.

There is some "snob factor" against these speakers in high-end discussions which, IMHO, is primarily driven by the conventional "retail/manufacturer chain" directed at any "dealer/direct audio business on the web".

Let's face it. Dealer/direct is a very real threat to the huge mark-ups that many audio products have.

Well, the world is changing and it all benefits us, the consumer in the end!

BTW, I have no connection to Newform Research or any other audio company. But I am thrilled to tout any product that is as superior as the 645's are and that has customer service to match.