What speakers are shown in the movie The Counselor?

They look like they've got flat drivers, maybe ceramic? Here's a link to a picture of them.
Lara Croft Tomb Raider has this TT playing as she does the bungee ballet.  I sort of doubt that the producers paid a fee to have this on the set for a very very short time.



There was a thread here 10 or 15 years ago about hi-fi in the movies/TV.
The movie "Love Potion #9" features Krell. Joey and Chandler had Martin-Logan
'Stats in their living room, etc..
Audiogon Discussion Forum
Anyone remember "Diva"from 1981?  Big plugs for Nakamichi and Revox there...
Alex in "A Clockwork Orange" plays his Ludwig Van on a microcassette (!) in what looks like a B&O player.
In "Elementary" Sherlock has a Mac rig with what look like Energy speakers.
Bosch has an MX110 and MC240 and Ohm Fs.  I never could ID the TT, but online people say it's a Marantz from the 80's.
I recall the big McIntosh stack in the Departed.  The corrupt cop's girlfriend quickly jams a CD into the drawer and slaps it closed with her hand.  Ouch! 
But you guy's forgot 1980's American Gigolo with the SAE equipment, in the wall shelf that Richard Gere ripped off the shelf onto the floor!!! I was so hurt when he did that!!!!