what size magnepan

can work in  12 x 12 room with good success ?


or is it not possible ?


I would assume that smaller is better. I had 1.6 in a fairly small room (though bigger that yours) and, while they worked, it wasn’t ideal.

I’d probably try the .7 and if you need to, add the DWM or a sub. (Ignore what they say about Maggies and subs....it’s not that difficult to make them work.)

Good luck.

I currently have the .7 with 2 REL subs in the corners per REL’s guidance in a 11’ x 13’ room. I may have a twinge of what-about-itus wondering if the 1.7i would be better, but I think the .7 is a great choice. I'm still kind of shocked at how much tuneful/ quality bass these put out on their own without the subs. 

I'd go LRS in a corner setup. I did that with my MMGs and it worked pretty good. The 1.6s were too big for the room and I could not get them to work. I own the .7s but I thought my MMGs were better. 

Some years back, I tried the 1.6QRs in a 15 X 13 room and found they just didn't work well.  I'd go with the LRS or .7s that others have suggested.  Depending on use of the room, location of doors and windows, furniture choices, and WAF issues, you may even find that these smaller Maggies may not be the best choice.  The only way to know for sure is to give them a try.

I'm using  .7s in a 15×15 room with a Rel S812 sub, and they are perfect, and you don't need a ton of power, and they don't have to be 3ft from the wall either,  so don't let that ditter you.