What's your goal in system setup?

What type of audiophile are you?

Type I
Simply just want to listen to good music and don't care much about system

Type II
Like good music but pay a lot of attention in detail. Try to build a nice sound system with different component matching

Type III
Like good music and good system. Pay a lot more attention on why things sound sound different from one component to another. Try to understand more in detail in terms of acoustics and electronics and how everything works.

Type IV
Similar to type III. Try to tweak and build each component from AC power stuff, CD player mod, amp and preamp mod, cables, stands... etc.

Is there any catagory I missed?

Showing 1 response by kgveteran

"Hometheaterphile"....attempts to build a post production suite.Drives all his friends crazy always talking about movies and sound.Wife is positive after watching ,"A beautiful mind" that her husband is John Nash.Endless drawings and sketches, web pages and magazines all support wifes case against husband.Husband finds articles about DIY acoustic treatments and three months latter room is filled with everything from tubetraps to absorbers to diffusers.He is now banned from at least two hifi shops in town and they all have,"Stay away orders".Finally he wanders through the internet and comes across....AUDIOGON.....Oh my god...people just like me....I have a place...I'm not a monster...I AM A MAN!!! Thank you Audiogon and all that write in it.Although I may agree and disagree we are in this together and this IS the best hobby in the whole #$%*ing world.....now I must go watch a movie in one of the coolest places in my house..The Video room! Thank you.