what's your favorite album cover?

i love aoxomoxoa by rick griffin for the grateful dead. so very trippy.
The original Beatles - Rubber Soul with the butcher jackets and dolls - before Capitol pulled it and changed to a more tame cover. Oh and John & Yoko's naked cover (front & back ;-) I liked the Stones 3D cover - was it " THEIR SATANIC MAJESTIC REQUEST" can't remember.
I too loved the "Whipped Cream" album cover by Herb Alpert. "Revolver," because there's always something new to see every time you look at it.
I've always loved Dark Side Of The Moon so that gets my vote. Liked it so much I had it tatooed on my leg. "weak moment but no regrets"

"Strange Days" by the Doors.

BTW Gardengirl, the Beatles butcher cover you allude to is from "Yesterday and Today" not "Rubber Soul".

Yes, "Satanic Majesties Request" is the Stones album with the 3D cover; if you look very closely, you will see all 4 of the Beatles in there.