What's your experience with snooty HiFi salesmen?

I began my Hifi journey in 1976 at a shop in Birmingham MI called Audio Dimensions. He was a Magnapan and ARC dealer who was kind to a 15 year old kid who bought a set of MG 1s with paper route money. The ARC amps he carried were about $4K back then- a LOT of money in 1976. In the beginning I drove my MG 1s with an old Fisher Studio Standard integrated amp. Since those lovely innocent days I have encountered some real buttholes. They act like they are doing me a favor as they quiz me about what gear I have and if I'm listening to "approved" recordings. Needless to say I don't buy from those guys. Several wives and businesses later I'm back into the hobby with a much vengeance as a 61 year old  can muster given only so many free hours in a day and only so much cash to apply due to my other vices: Classic cars and salt water fishing. 

Have you ever encountered a really good or really bad dealer (or employee) that changed your buying actions?

Darko posted a video on this topic which I found really enjoyable. Many of you have already seen it but for those (like me) who discovered it much later here's the link: 


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Showing 1 response by deadhead1000

I live in a big city and three out of the four places are just horrible, incompetent sales people mainly. One charges for his 'advice' and claims his advice is on the order of a Medical Doctor. Yeah, right. The other won't let you listen to any music but what he puts on.

At the last place I was very clear I needed a turntable with an attached dust cover. The salesman then trashed every table he had except for the one that did not have an attached dust cover. Crazy - I mean I told him exactly what I was looking for and he ignored what I said. Lost a 4K sale. Another time the same guy spaced some well-known $12K speakers too far apart, making them sound really bad, when I asked him to place them a bit closer, he refused saying I didn't known what I was talking about. Later he calls me up and says his manager agreed with me and moved the speakers closer together and to come back in. I never did. I have other stories, but will end it with that one. Most audio stores could do twice the business if they knew how to sell - or even just listen!