As I thought, a few different methods are used. The points/spiking seem to be a common method.
I've decided to start with my speakers first, then my amp. The speakers are EW Andra, the original model. Using their stock spikes, things are a bit loose, but when I took off the spikes, and left the threaded post on, things seemed more solid and clear. When I removed the threaded posts that the spikes screw into, putting the flat bottom of the speaker directly on the floor, things became less defined and a bit muddy.
So, I will try Audio Points, and if success, I will upgrade to Sistrum platforms under them as well. If neither of these work well for me, I may try sound anchors under them.
I believe the Audio points and sistrum have a money back guarantee, so I will try that first. Perhaps sound anchors do as well - I need to check.
At any rate, I think I need to finalize the speakers first. Once that is done, given the success or lack thereof of the Audio Points/Sistrum or Sound Anchors on the speakers, I will try those same options on the Omega amp.
I've decided to start with my speakers first, then my amp. The speakers are EW Andra, the original model. Using their stock spikes, things are a bit loose, but when I took off the spikes, and left the threaded post on, things seemed more solid and clear. When I removed the threaded posts that the spikes screw into, putting the flat bottom of the speaker directly on the floor, things became less defined and a bit muddy.
So, I will try Audio Points, and if success, I will upgrade to Sistrum platforms under them as well. If neither of these work well for me, I may try sound anchors under them.
I believe the Audio points and sistrum have a money back guarantee, so I will try that first. Perhaps sound anchors do as well - I need to check.
At any rate, I think I need to finalize the speakers first. Once that is done, given the success or lack thereof of the Audio Points/Sistrum or Sound Anchors on the speakers, I will try those same options on the Omega amp.