What's In Your Tape Cassette Deck Tonight?

With cassette tape making a HUGE comeback in todays ultra-lame-digital-world - what's in your cassette decks these days?

Today, cassette tapes that are cool again are:

O​.​L​.​V. - Old Light Variations by Old Light
Problems by Wooden Indian Burial Ground

Rock on curlycassettes.com! So easily you make us smile

Showing 3 responses by tonykay

Cassettes have never been out of rotation in my home. I own about two thousand cassettes and play them on two Nakamichis through Stax headphones. I listen to a lot of acoustic, singer-songwriter stuff. Right now I'm listening to Gordon Lightfoot. Sounds great to me!
FWIW, I spent last weekend organizing my more-than-2000+ cassettes. Help! How did I accumulate so many? Luckily, I also collected cassette carriers to hold them. Now, I have a closet filled with well-organized cassettes. Yikes, could I be a hoarder? Nah!
Willy Hermann has gone through each of my three Nakamichi cassette decks: ZX-9; RX-505; CR-7A. As you would expect, they all have sounded amazing after being serviced by Willy. About five years ago, I bought a Nak Dragon from Willy. He called me and told me that he had a request from a medical records company to transcribe their records to magnetic tape, so (at his request) I sold it back to him. You won't meet a nicer guy than Willy, and I appreciated all the work he had done for me, but even today I wonder "what was I thinking."