What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?

For me, it’s only my turntable, an LP 12, though I did have a Kore installed in 2015 so it’s not quite what it was 10 years back. 

Showing 1 response by jkotze

My system has not changed much the last 25 years.

I still have and use my 

Linn Sondek LP12 (Valhalla) with Alphason HR100S arm. Changed my Linn Karma Cartridge (bent cantilever) to a Denon DL-103r. 
Very impressed with the Denon although it is lacking the sound stage and depth of the Karma. I only have about 20 hours on it so I hope it will still improve. On all other levels it exceed my expectation regardless of all the reviews I've read.

Changed from a Tandberg  pre (TCA3002A) and power (TPA3003) (both still in the store room) in 2002 to a Krell KST /KSL and never looked back. I'm using a Musical Fidelity X-LP phono-stage and it works well. Planning to update it with the Little Pinkie PSU in the near future. I have a number of cables but am updating to the SILNOTE's Morpheus (They are in the mail as we speak - can't wait). I'm using very old MIT's at the moment.

Using an OPPO DVP981 HD which replaced a Sony DVPS9000ES due to region code problems. Very happy with the OPPO. Would like to upgrade to the Blu-ray model in the future.

I started of with the AR98LS in the 80's when my conception of bass was all that mattered, but I saw the light and upgrade to Celestion SL600's. Well there I fell off the band wagon since my amplifier, a 50 watt tube amp build by Daan Jacobs Audio in South Africa was just not powerful enough, but on jazz an acoustical music it was exceptional. I upgraded to B&W 804 matrix in 1997 and still have this pair. Could do with a bit more bass, but the current sound is perfect, unless I want to spend a lot more money. I'm using Kimber Kable 8VS and am very happy with them, although I feel with the new technologies in cable I might be able to do better within the same budget.