What's happening with Exogal?

Anyone heard anything from them or about them lately? I own a Comet Plus DAC and have been waiting for the "soon to be released" Vortex hub/streamer for quite a long time.

Showing 2 responses by douglas_schroeder

I appreciate the update from Exogal!

While I am on the subject of Exogal, likely many owners will put their eyeballs here. In ongoing use of Comet and Ion, a most favorable outcome in system building revealed itself. I am reviewing a speaker system with active bass, and setting up the Comet/Ion for the Mid/Treble and the bass via RCA line out of the Comet to the active bass amp is VERY good for the performance of the combo! Stellar (pun intended) results surpassing that of driving passive speakers entirely. 

This is certainly not a negative toward the Comet/Ion in terms of its performance with passive speakers! It IS an endorsement of the possibility that with active bass the units will universally outperform passive bass. Just an FYI in regard to further system exploration with these lovely pieces I reviewed for Dagogo.com   :)
I would appreciate an update to the Exo Remote software. It's locking up with my updated Samsung tablet. That was a valuable feature, and I wish the updates were here already.