What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?

I live in California and a couple of weeks ago we had strange lightning storms that started the many fires burning in the State.  It also fried the fuse in my Pass XA30.5.  I got the amp second hand and it came with a SR Blue fuse.  I called Pass and they recommended a very cheap fuse which I ordered and installed.  Because I was curious, I took the SR sticker off the old burnt out fuse and found that it was a very cheap SIBA brand fuse underneath.  It is clear that SR is either not making the ceramic casing for this fuse or using the SIBA fuse and then doing stuff to it.  At the very worst, it's just slapping a sticker on it and charging a ton more

The thing is, I'm pretty sure I could hear a difference for the worse when I installed the cheap glass fuse post lightning storm.  Could it be that SR is modifying an existing fuse to make it sound better?  Maybe some more technically minded folks here on the forum could help me understand


Showing 15 responses by thecarpathian

Actually, pixie dust is a golden glitter like substance that gives the recipient the ability to fly. Doesn’t work at all on fuses, but give some to a bumblebee or Eskimo....
Boy howdy!!!

Yes, even the fat ones. 
Thought scientifically impossible until the advent of the airline ticket...
I appreciate that very much.
I think right now we all need a little less contention and a little more silly.
Also, I know next to nothing about audio, so silly is pretty much all I've got!
Yes the word has been considered derogatory for quite some time, but it should not be.
It has been put forward that Eskimo is derived from the French word 'esquimaux'
Which means "one who nets snowshoes".
Which is actually a compliment given the skill involved.
Jury is still out on how leprechauns feel....

I just read that!
I enjoyed reading about his most prolific period when he invented
wood, the light saber, and Spaghetti-o’s...
To be fair, that bumblebee business with scientists declaring it should be impossible for them to fly is a complete myth, like leprechauns and Eskimos.....
Sounds like they're saying they zap the fuses with varying high voltages.
How this affects the tiny fuse wire I've no idea.
Always wondered if a thread could segue into flying Eskimos.
See how much science has advanced??!
We still have much to learn....
Ah, civility! Kudos.
Civility is not about dousing strongly held views.
It's about making sure that people are willing to respect others perspectives.
And Eskimos.
Sep 22, 2006 · Apparently aftermarket fuse manufacturers haven't been paying much mind to the angst and whining of the naysayers as the fuse debate drags on into its tenth year.
Happy 24th birthday!
Glad to see all this zany fuse business has finally been settled!
So, you would consider an expensive aftermarket fuse a Veblen Good as opposed to a Giffen Good given that an argument could be made that they are nothing more than rebranded cheap fuses?
I personally have no opinion either way as to their efficacy as I have never used one.