What's a great system at these price points?


This is the information age. Let's think systems, not just components, and discuss how to cost-optimize the high-end listening experience. Anyone with money to burn can be wasteful. Can you achieve the high end experience on budgets like these?

Price points (maximums:) $500, $1000, $2000, $3500, $5000.

Let's say the cost of a computer or other digital source is not included. Above $3000 there should be more than one hi-fi audio zone. Above $4000 it should have 5 or more separate zones.

Wanna play? OK, go.


Showing 2 responses by mapman

Many good ways at each price point if certain parameters are adhered to.

Lower price points will achieve best results if speakers with limited bass extension are used in a smaller room.

As price goes up, more good options for more full range sound and for in larger rooms will become available.

Lower price points will be digital only. Other/analog sources will add cost to achieve good results.
Headphones are another very good option at lower price points as is consideration of products geared towards the pro market, which tend to be more about sound and less about aesthetics.