What's a great system at these price points?


This is the information age. Let's think systems, not just components, and discuss how to cost-optimize the high-end listening experience. Anyone with money to burn can be wasteful. Can you achieve the high end experience on budgets like these?

Price points (maximums:) $500, $1000, $2000, $3500, $5000.

Let's say the cost of a computer or other digital source is not included. Above $3000 there should be more than one hi-fi audio zone. Above $4000 it should have 5 or more separate zones.

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Showing 2 responses by jmcgrogan2

Can you achieve the high end experience on budgets like these?

Price points (maximums:) $500, $1000, $2000, $3500, $5000.

Yes, and no, all dependent on your personal definition of "high end experience".

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07-23-13: Jriden
I'm open about being a dealer. I mention it all over the place.

Really??? Because I do not see a dealer disclaimer presented in this thread.