What's a Good Match?/ sacd/cd player

I own Cain & Cain Abbey speakers and a Bailey sub. My amp is the Art Audio Carissa(845 tubes/16 watts) w/volume control. I'm thinking of buying one of these sacd/cd players...Krell sacd standard, Marantz sa11, Sony scd 9000es...any suggestions from these three or any other prospects i should consider?
Totally agree. Go with a modded player. The Jolida would stand out as the weak link in your system (I previously owned one). If you state your listening preferences--what types of music you primarily listen to, as well as the type of sound you prefer--I'm sure that people can help direct you to the player that would work best for you. Also, what is your budget?
You should consider the McCormack udp-1 universal player.I'm quite happy with mine.......
I think he would have to listen to the Jolida. It is a terrific CD player for it's price; however, I think the modded Sony will take Red Book to a whole new level. But it is a different sound.

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How about the Jolida Tube that everyone raves about...oh I am not sure if it is only red-book
Get one (if still available) of the ModWright Sony 999es SACD/cd players. It is excellent.

Disclaimer: I've NO vested interest in either Sony or Modwright.