What record cleaner is the most bang for the buck??


From the $3500 rigs down to the $400-$600 rigs on Amazon which have you used, and think do the best job?


In my opinion, people make wayyyyy too much of record cleaning.


As long as you have a Dustcover and put your albums in their sleeves, a clamp cleaner (especially effective on those from the used bins), careful handling, and a Big Brush are all you really need.

Believe me, I’m one of the most neurotic and fastidious people I know…allthat cleaning simply isn’t necessary ( in fact those frequent cleanings with wet (and gritty) roller brushes are ruining your albums!)


Disclosure: I had the deluxe Discwasher set back in the day too 😆 No shame, we learn we grow ; )



this one. Clean them in the sink. And no, I’m not kidding.


I have a “system” consisting of microfiber cloths, distilled water, Dawn, and a cheap dish drying rack FWIW.

-Spin-clean and similar are probably the best bang for the buck even if they are basic. But you get a lot of performance for the money. 

-Okki Nokki gets great reviews and is reasonable for a vacuum machine. 

lots of lower priced ultra sonic cleaners out there as well .