What record cleaner is the most bang for the buck??


From the $3500 rigs down to the $400-$600 rigs on Amazon which have you used, and think do the best job?


Showing 4 responses by ml8764ag

In my opinion, people make wayyyyy too much of record cleaning.


As long as you have a Dustcover and put your albums in their sleeves, a clamp cleaner (especially effective on those from the used bins), careful handling, and a Big Brush are all you really need.

Believe me, I’m one of the most neurotic and fastidious people I know…allthat cleaning simply isn’t necessary ( in fact those frequent cleanings with wet (and gritty) roller brushes are ruining your albums!)


Disclosure: I had the deluxe Discwasher set back in the day too 😆 No shame, we learn we grow ; )

I would never own a turntable without a (convenient to operate (I.e hinged)) dustcover partly for this reason!


I know that’s a dealbreaker for some (we must choose our battles).



this one. Clean them in the sink. And no, I’m not kidding.


I have a “system” consisting of microfiber cloths, distilled water, Dawn, and a cheap dish drying rack FWIW.

Not sure how everyone’s records are getting so dirty. I live in the desert and (as I said before) as long as I use a Big Brush, the dustcover and put records back in their sleeves when not in use that’s all that’s really needed. My records continue to look and sound like the day I acquired them. (And yes, my system is resolving enough to notice; )

As mentioned before, I use the Groovemaster Clamp when I first get the records (sometimes soaking them for extended periods if warranted). FWIW: Before I got one, the idea of submerging a record in the sink would have seemed insane to me. However, now all other ways seem like a huge compromise.

The OP asked what record cleaner best bang for buck and I think the Groovemaster is just that. Just use the Big Brush (no fluids needed) before each play and the Gmaster as needed. Bonus: I usually make a listening session out of sink cleanings as I don’t have to contend with cleaning machine noise.


@sejodiren … it’s surprising how resistant the labels are to water, isn’t it! However, as mentioned above, I sometimes soak them for long periods if conditions warrant ..so the Groovemaster is a must for me.