What process do you use to purchase cables?

I’m in the process of updating my gear and thinking about what to do for updated cables. Every time I think about it, my head spins as there are so many different cable options & companies. I struggle to even start the process.

I don’t care if it’s speaker cables, interconnects or power cords – Just explain what you typically do to nail down your purchase.

FYI – my past “process” was to simply purchase whatever I found to be the most affordable options recommended by folks on this board. For that reason, I’m currently using Canare 4S11 speaker cables, Mogami Gold interconnects, and Pangea power cords.

Since I’m planning to push my component updates to significantly higher quality gear, I don’t want to fall short on the cable side. If you have a process, let’s hear it! Thanks


Showing 5 responses by ghdprentice


I share your approach and have repeatedly chosen Transparent by direct comparison. Well articulated. Particularly I have found the two cycles of withdrawal act the most telling.

I agree about assessing your system before starting. In the past I have had to make up for some shortcomings in my components because of lack of funds. But, my feeling is if your system is fatiguing, you have a serious component noise problem and it is likely much better to put money into fixing that directly. I have to agree that cables and interconnects can make a huge difference… but in a well chosen synergistic system they will only make a relatively small difference. This is why, for me, Transparent only have become the right choice as my system became much better and not in need of correction. Transparent just get out of the way. That is a good thing for my system now.
I think some dealers try and do a pretty good job of being relatively unbiased. You have to know them.  But there are practically an infinite number of cable companies and they can only carry a few. Then there is the problem of territories. On good solid well established brands like Transparent they do not support multiple retail outlets in a single area. My primary audio dealer can’t get them… so I have to buy them from a different vendor.  
Adding to what @jond said. It takes a long time to fully appreciate the effect that a set of interconnects produces. So, after lots of research I almost always need to live with a couple different ones for weeks. I usually end up buying a couple different pair. Although my dealer has let me keep a couples sets of Cardas Clear Beyond for a couple months while I compared with a couple sets of Transparent I own. Right now the Transparent win on components and I am still unsure on the amp. 
For me, completing my component upgrade cycle is the first step. No point in thinking about interconnects and/or cables unless you have the components they will be used with, fully broken in, and you completely understanding what they sound like. Once you have the system you want then you can start asking yourself, “is there something I don’t want interconnects and cables to do?” Is your system already perched on “too revealing”… or “too relaxed and not detailed enough?” You must work with your final set of components.

My last iteration was simply have them get out of the way. My components are all simply outstanding, the more revealing the better… not something that has ever been the case before. I know the most transparent cables will sound best. But in the past I needed them to be warm and not overly revealing or just a bit relaxed.