What piece(s) of gear did you sell/give away that you would like to have back?

We've all done it - sold or traded a piece of gear we had fallen out of love with, then regretted that decision at some point. If you could go back in time, but could only retrieve one piece, what would that be?

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Sellers remorse? Nah man, alien concept. If it's worth keeping why would I sell it? Unless hard up for cash, which to me would be such a painful lesson it would never be repeated ever again. Like the one time I had a Yamaha RD-350 and a Datsun 240Z and after college I was broke and sold the Yamaha for like $800.

Then 20 years later Motorcycle has an article on vintage bikes and there is my exact RD-350 same color and everything only now worth ten grand!?! WTF!??!   

Learned that lesson. Still have my 1979 911 SC. Now worth twice what I paid for it. More than twice. Shop critically, buy wisely, sell rarely. Only way to go.