What music rang in your New Year

I had some recently purchased Ozzy Osbourne on my bed room headphone system prior to the Times Square Ball falling. What did everyone else listen to near midnight?
I went out. Trout Fishing in America headlined with Ray Wylie Hubbard opening. A great night and a great show.
Jimi Hendrix "All Across The Watchtower (Dylan) from the cool Wild Blue Angel CD (Live at Isle Wight).

The recording is interesting in that the bad was obviously struggling with the sound reinforcment system onstage. Other releases of this concert in previous years do not allow you to "hear" some of the audio problems from that early morning set.
George Harrison, off of "Dark Horse" CD track titled "Ding Dong, Ding Dong" while cooking Black-Eyed peas. Happy New Year, Charlie
Brahms: 1st piano concerto with Helen Grimeaux....better than any fireworks!!
The Fabulous Thunderbirds "Rock This Place"-- and it was good! Cheers. Craig