What makes you build a system around an amplifier?

Serious question. I almost always care about the room and speakers first, then build around that. However, this is not the only way to do things.

If you have ever insisted on keeping your amplifier, but were willing to change everything else around it, please let us know why. What made an amp so outstanding in your mind that it was worth making it your center piece. Imaging? slam?

Be specific about the amp and speakers or other gear that you shuffled through.



Showing 16 responses by erik_squires

robd1 :

Um, not sure what speaker / control he is talking about but yes, speakers which have low bass impedance tend to sound limp / gutless unless driven by a beefy amp, which often implies SS.

Notice all the caveats you haters before you come at me!


I want to make it clear, this thread is definitely not about perfect amplifiers. :)

It is about amplifiers you fall in love with.



Really good question! I’m afraid I don’t know of strong research in this area, so I can only guess that in some ways, a good amp does not ruin:

  • Crosstalk
  • Phase
  • Amplitude
  • Channel matching
It may be some amplifiers actually change one or more of these values from the ideal. It has been shown that dips in the 2.4kHz range in speakers can enhance the perceived imaging, so perhaps a very colorful amplifier also plays around in the frequency and time domain.Or perhaps interactions with certain speakers pushes something in the frequency or time domain around just enough. :)

It may be something quite counter-intuitive, like for instance, rolling off the top octave. I don't know enough about imaging science, but I find the idea of Head Related Transfer Functions fascinating, and wonder how they apply to tube electronics.

Hopefully some one will jump in and tell me where the state of the art research is!


Lots of interesting perspectives here, but would really love to know what it was about a particular amplifier that seduced you. Imaging? Relaxed presentation? Bass juiciness? Best presentation of Nina Simone you ever heard? 

What amps and what unique qualities of these amps has made you forsake all others?


I find the Music Reference idea ingenious! :) Why use a coupling cap and transformer, when driving an ESL with tubes? Drive them directly, and let the ESL become the coupling cap.

Hope someday I get to hear them.


Hi everyone,

There will be no brow beating, but the point of this thread was to focus in on amps which are so unique and special that listeners want to keep them above everything else.

I worry that if we let the thread spread out into whether that is the right approach or not, we won’t get to hear about these exceptional experiences and the mainstream approaches will crowd out this set of ideas, which are definitely "off the beaten track." That is the point. :)

For me for instance, I am reading a lot of amplifier brands I do not normally read about. If we get stuck with mainstream products, we may never get the chance to hear these truly rare and boutique amps.



Let's leave a welcoming environment for those who start with amps please.

Too much of "you are doing it wrong" and we'll never get to hear the other point of view.


So @wolf_garcia  and @jaybe  :

Can you be a little more specific? :) What SET do you put in this category? Jaybe, which Pass amp?
Hi @charles1dad

I don't want to challenge you, but specifics would be good! :) What amp, and WHY? May we all know?

And what did this mean about your speakers? Did you end up with ultra efficient, designs without a crossover?


oh, and a big Astron variable voltage/current power supply for the DAC. Some Furman power conditioners running  around too.

It’s not a big secret. :) The main beast:

Oppo 103 (the cheap version)
Mytek Brooklyn driven by Linux server via USB
Parasound P7
3 x custom Class D amplifiers with ICEPower 250 ASP modules. (L, C, R) because I can’t put up a full 5.1 in the room
Hsu VTF-15 Mk II Sub
miniDSP 2x4 HD for the sub EQ
Custom speakers with Mundorf AMT’s and ScanSpeak 6.5" woofers, Clarity CMR caps. Room acoustic panels and bass traps by GIK acoustics.

IC’s are solid silver balanced.

My desktop is a Logitech Squeezebox Touch feeding an NAD D 3020 integrated, and custom loudspeakers, which you can build from here:



So @roxy54  - Be specific! :) What amplifiers did that, and what was it that drew them to you, regardless of speaker? :)


Hi @gdhal - I definitely am not looking for agreement, so much as understanding. Different audiophiles seek out solutions differently. I think the following statement is true:

Some audiophiles build their systems around their amps. Some around their speakers.

So long as we agree that is a true statement, then I think the question of WHY is interesting.

What I mean by "system building" are people who fall in love with an AMP's sound over all. I like my amps, but I'm not so enamored with them I would swap my speakers to keep them. I would be much more likely to fall in love with a pair of speakers, and do anything I could to get them to sound their best.
