What is your most beautiful component?

Sound qualities set aside... What is the most beautiful component in your system. If you can please provide links to a picture of it. For me it is my Basis 1400 turntable. This turntable is a piece of art. Unfortunately, I cannot find Basis' home page.
I agree with Doug Schroeder ... the Pathos Classic One MkII looks clean, simple, and stunning ... lots of thought went into this amp. I owned one for 6 months or so and hated to part with it, but it wasn't a good match with my speakers ... and I most definitely wanted to keep the speakers I had (and still have).
Martin Logan Aerius i's. Not exactly beautiful, but certainly striking. They're my pride and joy. My Adcom, HK & Behringer electronics are strictly two-baggers. But, they sound great. I'm single and frankly don't care if the stuff looks like junk, as long as it sounds good. That's what audio cabinets with doors are for.

Come to think of it, my old AR ES-1 turntable with Sumiko MMT arm (currently collecting dust in a closet) is pretty darn pretty, especially with the dustcover off.
Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage. The Italians are to speaker cabinets what the Danes are to drivers.
Real toss up between my SF Guarneri's or my Rowland model 8.
FWIW, wife prefers the SF's.