What is Your End Game System?

How do you "measure" your end game system? Is it by budget, how much it cost? Is it by the luxuriousness of your build and room?

Is it by your components being either state of the art or unobtanium? Is it by the satisfaction you get when you are sitting in your listening chair?

What is your end game system and how do you know when you have reached it?


Showing 2 responses by lucky_doggg7

Endgame system would consist of:

Speakers: Von Schweikert

Digital: Esoteric

Amps: Lamm or Esoteric

Preamp: Lamm or Esoteric

I'd be happy with the above. 

A Porsche, while fun do drive plus being a great sports car, and it has that "look at me" factor, they are not really all that dependable.  If you do buy one, be sure to have Geico Auto Insurance, and include in your policy, the Mechanical Breakdown Insurance.  THAT will save your bacon, unless that is, the sound of Benjamins flying out of your wallet.  :P