What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.


Showing 12 responses by millercarbon

mahgister, those who cannot listen will always cry. If not placebo then double-blind, expectation bias, counter-expectation bias, the room, the speakers, my pants are too tight, got a flat tire, dog ate my homework. Lousy listeners are always crying about something.     

Because: can't hear! They're trying to play a game where hearing and listening are everything, and every time they try, total fail. 

"Seeing is believing."

Right. Moron. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBap_Lp-0oc

Why are audiophiles always making it harder than it needs to be? Take something utterly uncontroversial, turn it into War of the Worlds. Maybe everyone take a break, type the word into a browser, read what comes up? When I do that strangely enough its pretty simple-

tweak: improve (a mechanism or system) by making fine adjustments to it.

Yeah. I can see how that would drive some people crazy. Sheesh.

You can call it a tweak. You can call it an adjustment. You can call it fine tuning. You can tweak VTA, VTF, speaker toe in, etc, etc, on and on. You can tweak by moving, adding, removing. You can buy a tweak, or you can make a tweak. Heck you can even invent a tweak.

The question is why anyone would want to ridicule and insult people for trying to improve their systems by making fine adjustments to it? Isn’t improved systems what audiophiles are here for? Apparently not. Some it seems are here to insult us for the crime of wanting to make our systems better.
I never wrote a post about a device i never experiment with, and after that ridiculizing all owners to be gullible people by principle like some ...

This is INSULTING to many....

Exactly why I ask that the whole thread be removed. Its only reason for being is to insult. Not anything constructive about it at all. Just plain flat out direct ridicule. Not even based on any actual experience. Just that it looks silly. Which as I pointed out right away, if you know anything at all about sound then its bound to work as a diffuser. Whether it works or not, how effective it is for the price, don’t know. Haven’t the foggiest. But I do know its definitely not silly. It is in fact grounded in acoustic science.  

So the OP is not only insulting, but ignorant. Childish. Its been pointed out, but he persists. So also arrogant. Deserves more than anything a time out. Can’t get one from the whole site, mods seem to encourage this sort of antisocial behavior. But he can get one from me.

And then cakyol said:
"There is error detecting & correcting logic in all digital gear."

Yes, of course there is, but what does that have to do with digital cables? It is not the job of digital cables to correct errors in the digital stream.  

What people usually mean when they say this, they think digital is perfect, since any errors are detected and corrected. Almost never do you find one who understands CD is an analog format in which timing matters. 

I'm still wondering about your ears.

The problem isn't in the ears, its in the brain. It takes a lot of time and effort to compare and evaluate different components. Are they really going to do that when already convinced it can't possibly make any difference? Why? I wouldn't. It'd be nuts. Oh sure maybe every once in a while they might be able to just sit there all lazy and passive while someone else changes things for them.  

But then you know for sure exactly what will happen. The comparison won't be valid. It won't be double-blind. It won't be statistically significant. It will need to be repeated a bajillion times to be sure. It was done as part of a marketing demo. It wasn't the right music. The sun was in my eyes. The dog ate my homework. 

Its all so lame you have to wonder how it is that an adult with enough on the ball to be able to afford an internet connection isn't able to make up anything better than a bunch of excuses that have people thinking like mijostyn started it all off with:
Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen.

And that my friend is a brain problem, not ears.
Wow, Bayesian, you say? Wow! You must be one a them probabilistic audiophiles. Heard about em, hardly ever met one. Do you ever listen? Or do you just blow smoke all over the interwebs? 

Took me a good several months in the beginning to learn to listen good enough to reliably evaluate things like CDPs and DACs. At first and for quite some time they all sounded just the same to me. Not only me. Stood right behind a guy one time, he had driven 200 miles to hear this one Proceed DAC. Got a real nice demo. Whatever it was, they sounded absolutely identical to me. Guy says gee hate to tell you but they sound the same to me.  

Would have been real easy at that point for me to be one of you who know only how to mock, deride, and insult. Me I wanted too much to learn how to build a really truly satisfying system to take the easy way out like that.  

Which by the way is exactly what you're doing. Taking the easy way out. Learning to listen critically, developing the skills to properly evaluate what you're hearing, are not at all easy things to do. 

So go ahead, crack your dopey little jokes, make your snide comments, puff your chest out pontificating utterly irrelevant statistical probabilities. Whatever floats your boat. Its your loss. Not mine. 
Here's the problem with biased moderators and triggered snowflake virtue-signallers. They think this is just fine: 
dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid
when used by one of their own. But when turned around and used against them- where it belongs, by the way!- they whine and scream and have it removed.  

The whole purpose of this thread is to call anyone who buys this stuff "dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid". Not only that, but invites everyone to come join in on the insult fest, listing everything they can think of that will insult all those members who bought it.  

Members who by the way hear and appreciate the improvements. So not only are the moderators taking sides against free speech, they're taking sides in this case against actual audiophiles. 


This whole thread should be removed.
Where have you been? These have been around for many years. Did you really just see them now?

He’s clueless. Anyone can see they’re some kind of fancy diffuser. Diffusers and absorbers are the staple of room treatment. Audio 101. No, actually more like what they teach in day care before pre-school before Audio 101. Anyone can’t see that, stick with Close-N-Play. Even that is more than you deserve. Jack in the Box. Figure it out. https://youtu.be/ppDhmg7nk8s?t=20
Cliff Notes version: There are none so blind as those who will not see.
That at least is some sort of argument or reason. As opposed to the OP, who has nothing to offer but insults.
You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen.

Why I ask again do the moderators tolerate a thread whose sole entire reason for being is to insult, mock, and demean?